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Ivy Creek Hospice Dadeville

Grandmother and granddaughter laughing and embracing at home
Be Comfortable In Your Own Home. We give you 24/7 Availability and Support.
Our patients are cared for by our outstanding Hospice team in the comfort of their own home. We come to you!

Hospice is about living – not dying! Many patients qualify for hospice care earlier than they expected and research proves patients live longer with hospice than without! It is aggressive symptom management that allows someone with an end stage illness to have a higher quality of life. You do have a choice!

Frequent emergency room visits and hospitalizations, struggles with daily care of a loved one, high pill burden and uncontrolled symptoms…. we have options to help manage your illness.

Hospice care is aggressive symptom management that allows someone with an end stage illness to have a higher quality of life.

This hospice benefit is a 100% covered benefit. That means there is never any charge for anything that the hospice benefit provides.

Our hospice team will work with you, your loved ones, and your primary care doctor to help you manage your symptoms in the comfort of your own home.

What we provide:

  • Specialized Registered Nurse (educated in palliative care and pain control) to establish and maintain comfort and quality of life.
  • Home Care Aide available to provide personal care services and assist with basic needs like nutrition, cleanliness, and household tasks.
  • Social Worker available to help process the emotional end-of -life issues.
  • Counselors Spiritual Care and Bereavement Counselor available for spiritual guidance and end-of-life needs.

Medical Equipment and a supplement of personal care items provided.

Medications Delivered that are related to the illness/symptom management are provided.

A Little About Us

Ivy Creek Hospice is locally owned by Ivy Creek Healthcare and has two facilities, Dadeville and Wetumpka, serving the needs of central Alabama. Ivy Creek Hospice provides medical care to terminally ill patients 24/7. Together we cover, Elmore, Tallapoosa, Chambers, Coosa, Clay, Macon and Lee counties.

Ivy Creek Hospice Director, Linda Segrest, is board certified in hospice and palliative care.

If you have a terminally ill loved one that has frequent emergency room visits and hospitalizations, struggles with daily care, a high pill burden or uncontrolled symptoms then Ivy Creek Hospice can help. Remember, hospice is not just for cancer patients! Any diagnosis can be considered for hospice care. Diagnoses that may qualify someone for hospice are cancer, heart disease, renal failure, stroke/coma, HIV/aids, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, lung disease/COPD, or liver disease. Call Us Today at (256)825-3272.

Laura Daniel, CRNP
Linda Segrest, RN
Ivy Creek Hospice Director

Karmen-Leavins, RN

Ivy Creek Hospice Dadeville Branch Director

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