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Hethcox, DNP

Tiffany is from Vestavia Hills, a graduate of Chilton County High School in 2000. She has earned the following degrees: Doctor of Nursing Practice (Samford University, December 2020), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Samford University, December 2016), Master of Education - Biology (University Montevallo, May 2012), and Bachelor of Science - Biology (University of Montevallo, May 2007). Tiffany has been married to her husband, Jamon Hethcox, since 2010. She is a proud member of the Southeastern Mvskoke Nation and lives on the family's farm. In her spare time, Tiffany enjoys spending time with family, Native American Crafts, and fishing. Tiffany is thrilled to serve the community of Holtville alongside Dr. Cory Luckie at Ivy Creek Family Care of Holtville.