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Surgery Department Elmore Community Hospital

Surgical and Endoscopy Suites
Specialties include ear, nose and throat surgery, endoscopy, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery and podiatry.
Dedicated Staff and Physicians Committed to Providing Exceptional and Compassionate Care
Patients return home as soon as possible where they can comfortably rest and heal

Elmore Community Hospital Outpatient Surgery Department

With a focus on safety, quality, and patient–centered care, our Perioperative Services Department of Elmore Community Hospital offers a variety of outpatient services. Specialties include ear, nose and throat surgery, general surgery, endoscopy, urology, ophthalmology, podiatry, medication infusions and venous procedures. Our dedicated staff and physicians are committed to providing exceptional and compassionate patient care, allowing patients to return home as soon as possible where they can comfortably rest and heal.


General Surgery

Jon Binkered, MD

Office: 334-280-3360

Abdominoplasty, Appendectomy, Breast (reduction, cancer), EGD with Dilation, Cyst Excision, Fistula Repair, Foreign Body Removal, Hemorrhoidectomy Wound Care, I & D of Abscesses, Lesion Excision, Lymph Node Biopsy,Peg Tube Placement, Port Placement, Skin Cancer Excision, Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy, EGD, Gallbladder/CholecystectomyInguinal, Umbilical Hernia Repair or Ventral Hernia Repair


Tommy Garnett, MD

 Office: 334-514-6922

Bunionectomy, Hammertoe Repair, Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, Metatarsal Osteotomy Repair, Fracture  Repair, Heel Spurs, Ankle Arthroscopy, TENEX Tenotomy, Arthrodesis/Joint Fusion, Neuroma Removal, Planter Fascia, Wound Care, Arthroplasty, Ingrown Toe Nail, Amputation

Eye Surgery

James Izer, MD

Elizabeth Murphy, MD

Office: 334-277-9111

Cataract Removal, Lens Implant

Ear, Nose and Throat

 Anthony McLeod, MD

Office: 256-329-1114

Ear Tubes, Throat/Neck Exams, Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, Nose & Sinus Surgery, Neck/Nose Mass Excision, Tympanoplasty, Direct Laryngoscopy w/ Biopsy

 Sports Medicine

Derek Woessner, MD

Office: 334-245-6605

TENEX, Hip Tenotomy, Ankle Tenotomy, Shoulder Tenotomy, Elbow Tenotomy, Planter Fascia Tenotomy, Achilles Tenotomy


Examination of Bladder, Prostate Biopsy, Circumcision