Elmore Community Hospital

Consider the professional, caring staff at the Elmore Community Hospital when it comes to helping and healing your medical needs. We Are Ivy Creek Healthcare!
Healthcare concept of professional psychologist doctor consulting and comforting elderly patient in psychotherapy session or counsel diagnosis health.
Elmore Community Hospital

Elmore Community Hospital is privileged to have the opportunity to provide convenient, individualized care for our patients. Let us know how we may be able to serve you.

Ivy Creek Healthcare respects and protects the patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality- your medical records are kept confidential and secure. The staff is experienced, compassionate and dedicated to providing individualized care to our patients.

Our surgical specialties include general surgery, ENT, ophthalmology, podiatry, endoscopy, and pain management. The majority of our patients can have their pre-operative testing done on the same day as the surgery, making the process more cost-effective and stress-free.

Elmore Community Hospital’s Radiology Department operates on a digital platform, allowing our technicians the necessary tools to administer more efficient doses than conventional x-ray departments. We provide radiology reports 24/7 on STAT readings.

It is a great privilege for our hospital to have its’ very own Pharmacy Department.  The pharmacy does both dispensing and parenteral compounding. the pharmacy is staffed with a full time pharmacist and pharmacy technician. 

The Elmore Community Hospital Laboratory serves outpatients, ER patients, and hospital inpatients 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. We look forward to hearing how we may be able to meet your healthcare needs, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you.